Friday, August 11, 2006

Knitted Nefertiti?

I just got home from a VERY successful book buying adventure at Half Price Books.

Now don't get me wrong, I love this book, and am excited about reading it closely and maybe even trying some of the patterns. The author, Jan Messent, has invested thousands of hours, I'm sure, in making padded dolls with armatures and then clothing them in well-researched, knitted replicas of historical costumes.

Knitted Nefertiti and her escort?
Elizabeth I?
Hester Prynne?
Mozart or his cousin?
King Henry VII?
A Gibson girl?
They are all here. Knitted knickers and all.

But what did I already learn?
There's always SOMEBODY curiouser than me. And that's saying something!
It also means that if I'm interested in something, there's probably somebody else who cares, too. It's nice to have company!!

Oh, and she wrote Knit the Christmas Story, Knit an Enchanted Castle Knitted Garden too. And in her book there's also a promo for The Knitted Farmyard.

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