Sunday, July 09, 2006

Knitting Lessons

How to begin?

When I begin a knitting project there has always been some inspirational seed that was planted previously. It might be a gorgeous color, or fiber, or pattern, or even some fad that I wanted to be a part of. It might EVEN be a matter of need or practicality.

So sometimes the beginning happens even before I begin.
So, if I have an idea of what I want to end up with, and I have the yarn, and, yes--have knit a gauge swatch-- there is still the matter of how to begin.

There are 4 cast-on methods that I actually know how to do. There are several more that I know about, but have never tried.

For this project, I decided to "just do it" and use what to me is the quickest.

Sometimes it's just fun to make a lot of progress and do what you know how to do.

It's OK if it doesn't immediately resemble what you hope it will. Can YOU tell what this will be?

And it's also OK to just love little bits and pieces of what you do. I have some concerns that the finished fabric will be a little clingy... and am ignoring them for now because I love the interplay and randomness of the very short color changes in this yarn.

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

I agree with you that it's okay to love little pieces of what you are doing. Knitting is like sculpture, it is so textural, it's magical to me what you can do with yarn and needles.

I can't tell you what you will end up with, but i can tell you that the piece you have so far is gorgeous!

I have never knitted anything as big as a sweater, I like to take the needles and knit to see what I come up with. Usually it's a strange doll or animal character for my kids.