Sunday, September 17, 2006

You are the only one

who can be creative in YOUR way.

Knitters sometimes don't think they are creative because they follow patterns, fiber recommendations and always knit to gauge.

I say that if you didn't have anything before, and now you HAVE something, creativity has been in the room.

Other knitters think that if they didn't follow the pattern, used something completely different than was called for and switched needle sizes that they were "stubborn," "wrong," or "careless," rather than creative.

I have an email friend, Elin, who does a painting a day. They are usually landscapes, usually in California, and often with horses in them. Sometimes she ventures as far north as Big Sur, or south to San Diego. Everyday I wonder what she will have sent me by subscription.

And then she sent this a piece she did as a demonstration in a class. As she noted, it is completely different from what she usually does. And as much as I like the taste of California, this is the one I most regretted not being able to purchase.

It goes to show. There are the things you usually do. And they have value, and people come to expect them of you. Then there are the things you do rarely. Perhaps even accidentally. And THEY have value, too.

Love your creativity, your experiments, your effort.
(What creativity IS will be the topic for another day.)

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