Sunday, September 10, 2006

Do you start with Love or Reason?

I had the pleasure of attending the local opening meeting of the Dallas Hand Knitter's Guild last week. It was great to see so many new knitters, and get re-acquainted with knitters I came to know last year. Some I know by name (fewer than I'd like), some I know by project (the ones who embark upon huge projects that take a long time, and some I know by the kinds of colors they use.Most of us are the ordinary/extraordinary types you'd expect to meet at a craft or art meeting. Women. But not just "women of a certain age;" women of ALL ages. I am impressed by one knitter who comes with her guide dog. She made a beautiful baby blue cardigan last spring... even though she said she'd forgotten what color it was when she held it up for show and tell. I admired the courage of the solitary male knitter who was in attendance with needles clicking.

The beginning of the year announcements included a thrilling idea. An all-guild knit-along of something called (I think...) a Circumnavigated Sweater. NO SEAMS!!!! And we'll learn how to use a VERY generic (but pretty famous) pattern and measure and swatch and count and add/divide/multiply so it FITS.

But first Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer or E-S (as she refers to herself) spoke about yarn.

How do you choose your yarn? Are you a lover or a planner?

If I am "only" in the budget range for a couple of skeins, I tend to be a lover.
How does it feel? What color is it? Pretty superficial, actually!!

But Jackie made a great case for being a planner when it comes to investing the money, time and EFFORT in making something substantial. If you ever get a chance to take her full workshop on yarn selection, it's a good investment.

Until then, here are some highlights from my notes.
  • Figure out what the numbers on the ball band or cone mean so you know how many yards/meters you'll need.
  • Learn about ply and stranding. It will let you know how likely your yarn is to pull apart (think cotton candy).
  • Yarns can have Z twists or S twists. They will look different when knit up.
  • And there are tests!
  • Does your yarn bleed when soaked?
  • Does your yarn kink when wet?
  • Does your yarn shrink after being wet?
  • Does your yarn burn, self-extinguish or melt?

  • It might be of value to consider being more of a planner than a lover in other areas of life and work, don't you think? Here are some that came to mind. What would you add?
    • Hiring employees
    • Buying anything that needs to last: car, house, winter coat
    • Coaching someone's college choice
    • Coaching someone's career change

    And the best news? I truly believe that when the planning is well done, loving the outcome comes naturally.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I'm totally a planner in all areas of life. Before I make anything I do all the planning on paper and when I hit the yarn store it all goes out the window. Well, I don't completely lose my mind, but color, company, texture almost always deviate from the plan. In the end I'm usually in love. If I'm not, it's my fault, not the fiber.