Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Little Red Hen on the Town

Entry #8 Little Red Hen on the Town
Originally uploaded by shayneknitter

MasonDixon had a contest in honor of Project Runway to design knitted designs for critters that were not bears. Go to Flickr to see all the entries, and then to Mason Dixon to vote for your favorite.


martha miller said...


Thought you might enjoy seeing this man's artwork. I had the pleasure of seeing his knitted super hero costumes at a gallery here in Portland, Maine this winter. FUN!

Unknown said...

Love the red hen! fun!

Yes, you were right on the name of the plant, thank you so much! Why I was thinking there was a name in there I don't know. Oh well. Mystery solved. Woot!

Shannon Melville said...

Like your hen :) very funky,i don't know how to knit, so i am impressed. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.