Friday, December 22, 2006

Graft and Seduction!

I've now grafted TWICE on the Circumnavigated Cardigan! On purpose! At one point I was using three circular needles.

The second grafting was at the bottom edge of the sweater.... so that the pocket would actually have a bottom rather than be a two sided hole. It is deep enough for my fingers and a kleenex or ID or housekeys.

First was at the top of the pocket... from which I am knitting onward and upward toward the arm hole.

I think the bottom "edging" will be 4 or 5 ridges of garter stitch... so I'll have more of a jacket than sweater. I certainly don't need ribbing or snuggness anywhere in the middle!

I am really liking how the offset-eyelet pattern, pocket, grafting, faux side seam and pocket edging are coming together. You can click on the images to see them bigger.

I apologize for the variety of colors in the pictures. Invariably I do my finishing up and photography in the wee hours of the morning... I debate whether I should use the flash... which washes everything out, or not, which requires vigorous use of photoshop tools. It would probably help if yarns came with Pantone numbers! Even with just brightening or lightening the images, the colors vary a lot. On my monitor this one is truest.

1 comment:

whackergirl said...

Great stitch! And I am NOT stalking you...I also happen to be a knitter, as well as a painter.