Friday, December 22, 2006

Trolling for compliments

Here are two gnome/trolls that DD felted from a kit.
If I can find a source for boucle "hair" I'll probably make more as gifts!
I'm sure they only do good deeds.

A Joy-Fulled Pair

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I was knitting bowls and boxes? Well, I finally ran them through the wash. (There was a shocking pink tweed hat in there... but I forgot to take a photo of it. Perhaps the recipient will forward me one!

Anyway, here is an eggplant "bowl." It is actually rectangular. And the toy polar bear doesn't much help with scale! It has some paperclips and glitter stars in it which gives more of a clue. It is about 3 x 4 inches.

I free-form knitted a "box" I may need to do something different about the "lid" because obviously it doesn't cope with the bulging sides very well.

Just the same, I was happy with the I-cord loop and "button."

I made several bowls in Christmasy colors and filled them with candy. They sold well for my PEO fundraiser. Do you think it was the chocolate or the bowls?

If I have time, I'm going to make some stitch markers with wire/beading supplies I got during the summer.

Graft and Seduction!

I've now grafted TWICE on the Circumnavigated Cardigan! On purpose! At one point I was using three circular needles.

The second grafting was at the bottom edge of the sweater.... so that the pocket would actually have a bottom rather than be a two sided hole. It is deep enough for my fingers and a kleenex or ID or housekeys.

First was at the top of the pocket... from which I am knitting onward and upward toward the arm hole.

I think the bottom "edging" will be 4 or 5 ridges of garter stitch... so I'll have more of a jacket than sweater. I certainly don't need ribbing or snuggness anywhere in the middle!

I am really liking how the offset-eyelet pattern, pocket, grafting, faux side seam and pocket edging are coming together. You can click on the images to see them bigger.

I apologize for the variety of colors in the pictures. Invariably I do my finishing up and photography in the wee hours of the morning... I debate whether I should use the flash... which washes everything out, or not, which requires vigorous use of photoshop tools. It would probably help if yarns came with Pantone numbers! Even with just brightening or lightening the images, the colors vary a lot. On my monitor this one is truest.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Off the beaten Path

A woman in London knitted a Ferrari as part of her art degree.

Thanks to K. Olbermann and Countdown for having the story... and to DIY for having some searchable photos.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cookies, Chocolate, Civics or..... KNITTING

Which will you pick?
These are all listed as part of the 2007 USPS commemorative stamp project.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Knitting Content!!

Progress (if not perfection)! I got past a significant transition in the Circumnavigated Cardigan tonight. I fused the front pouch pockets. The outcome isn't perfect, but then, I've fiddled with this pattern so much, I didn't expect it. I know I'll make this sweater another time... and I have some ideas about how I would cope with the challenge of the pattern's assumptions of stockinette stitch, when in fact, I was doing a 4 row repeated pattern. Nevertheless i find the results quite adequate.